Services & Rates
Social Media Posts
Advertise your business through quality social media marketing. Fun, attention-grabbing copy that will make your customers want to find out more!

Product Descriptions
Promote the quality and necessity of your products/services to dog owners. A professional, but fun description that will catch a customer's attention and connect to them emotionally.

Email Newsletters
Keep your customers informed and connected. Help them see you as their "go-to" resource. SEO, quality photos, one round of edits, reliable content.

Website Copy
(5 Pages of Content)
Professional formatting and strategic copywriting and content marketing. SEO, quality photos, one round of edits, reliable content, catered to your dog business.

Landing Pages
Great pet copywriting and content marketing strategies that compel customers and evoke emotion. SEO, quality photos, one round of edits, reliable content.

Blogs & Articles
(Rates depend on word length)
Relevant, fun and easy to read pet copywriting. Connect emotionally with your ideal clients. Become their "go-to" source for information & advice. SEO, quality photos, one round of edits, reliable content.